While I will try and update this session overview on a regular basis, you can always check my Sessionize profile: https://sessionize.com/roelant/

The Dark side of AI

with @kittyvanleeuwen en @remcorunge

Artificial Intelligence is all around us. It is encapsulated in so many aspects of our day-to-day lives. Our phones, laptops, door bells and even lawn movers are enriched with technology to make our lives easier.

These beautiful developments also have a dark side and during this session we take you on a journey to this dark side and beyond touching upon the very important subjects of diversity and inclusion and how these fit in to the use of artificial intelligence.


The Power of Automation

with @michielhamers

As a .NET software developer, we are constantly broadening our horizon with the exciting new features that are added to the .NET framework and its extended family. Sometimes new techniques come along that can potentially change everything. The Microsoft Power Platform could be such a game-changer, but should we fear this development, or should we embrace this as a .NET software developer? During this session, we will explore everything you need to know as a .NET software developer how you can leverage this low-code platform while still writing C# code.

Rub a little AI on it

Whether it was Voltaire or “Uncle Ben” Parker who said it first, with great power comes great responsibility. It seems almost everyone in marketing and product development is searching for ways to integrate artificial intelligence in any way possible but is ‘rubbing some AI on it’ always the answer and what problems can an AI or machine learning solve for us?

During this session we will investigate what problems are actually machine-solvable with the current state of technology, we will look into the different models and characteristics and we will try to demystify how these models work in a very accessible way.

While this all sounds very theoretical we will definitely provide developers with real-world solutions to everyday use-cases that everyone can start leveraging the moment the session has ended.